Mappy Hour Testimonies

Give The Fair Maps Bills a Hearing

During our Mappy Hour events this summer, we talked to a lot of community members about why they support Fair Maps in Wisconsin.

Phil talks about why he supports the end to gerrymandering

While there are many ways that we can fight to end gerrymandering in Wisconsin, there is currently some hope.

Lisa supports the Fair Maps Bills

Both Assembly Bill 359 and Senate Bill 389 will contribute to guaranteeing a nonpartisan commission to draw the voting district lines in Wisconsin.

Cheryl wants to be heard!

While both bills are currently being observed, they will be able to make progress once they get an official hearing!

Beverly wants Fair Maps in Wisconsin

If you support Fair Maps in Wisconsin, please contact your legislators and tell them to support Assembly Bill 395 and Senate Bill 389.

Bob talks about the education system and gerrymandering

For more information on how to contact your legislators or other ways to support ending gerrymandering in Wisconsin, go here.


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