Broadband Expansion
We are excited to report that the Pierce County Board unanimously approved a resolution recognizing the need for broadband expansion, the availability of state and federal funding to address that need, and their support of the expansion and upgrading of broadband infrastructure. This action is cause for celebration, however….. Our work is not done. The resolution, while supportive, does not give any dollar amounts nor timeframes for addressing the dire need for affordable and reliable broadband. So, let’s keep the pressure on the board members to appropriate some of its $8 million in ARPA funds NOW by telling us your broadband story here
We Believe
21st century Wisconsin requires quality broadband internet access, just as mid-20th century Wisconsin required electricity.
Time is of the essence: It will never be easier or more affordable for Pierce County to invest in broadband infrastructure than it is right now. There are both WI State and Federal funds available for broadband expansion.
Access to affordable, reliable and sustainable broadband internet is critical to all residents and businesses in Pierce County, not just a privilege to those who live or work in the right locations.
Joined Together to Advocate

Western Wisconsin Needs Broadband (WWNB) is a non-profit, non-partisan citizen advocacy organization that believes quality internet access is essential for quality of life and economic prosperity, and advocates for reliable, affordable and sustainable broadband internet access to all living and working in Western Wisconsin. Among other resources, WWNB facilitates and moderates a community discussion group for resource sharing, community discussion, education and learning where members are encouraged to share questions, lessons learned, words of encouragement, challenges and success stories in a public moderated forum.
Tell Your Pierce County Board Supervisor:
You Need Affordable, Reliable and Sustainable Broadband Access
We are running a campaign to get broadband expansion in Pierce County
Broadband Forward Certified Communities
Is your community Broadband Forward! Certified? Certification is easy and free, and signals the local unit of government recognizes the need for broadband internet expansion in their community. It’s a small and meaningful step community leaders can take to help amplify the need for broadband in their community. Currently in Pierce County, only a few towns are Broadband Forward! Certified communities. More is needed to send a strong message to the Pierce County Board!
Funding available for broadband expansion in Pierce County
What funds are available to be spent on broadband expansion and what are the deadlines for application and for expenditures?
What are the internet options where I live?
Broadband Terminology
Are you confused by all the internet terms?
Broadband…Internet…WiFi…Fixed Access…DSL…Fiber…Dial Up…Satellite…Cellular Data…Hot Spots…
Here’s a brief summary of common Broadband Service Technology terms from the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin:
Landline switched-access service (Dial-up, it’s the oldest form of internet connectivity): Internet access is still offered over the traditional analog landline (phone line) facilities. Dial-up access to an internet service provider uses the voice portion of the telephone access line, preventing simultaneous or dual-use of the line. This technology provides a low-speed data rate that is increasingly disfavored for Internet communications and does not meet the definition of broadband.